X  Close Forecast - Strathroy - Komoka - Western Middlesex County
Conditions Temp Feels Precipitation Windspeed Direction
17:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 79°F 88°F< 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
18:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 75°F 84°F< 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
19:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 72°F 81°F< 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
20:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 68°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
21:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 66°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
22:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 64°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
23:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 63°F 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
00:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 61°F 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
01:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 61°F 30% 12-25 mph SE SE
02:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 59°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
03:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 59°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
04:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 57°F 30% 12 mph SE SE
05:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 57°F 30% 6 mph S S
06:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 57°F 60% 6 mph S S
07:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 59°F 60% 6 mph S S
08:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 59°F 60% 3 mph VR
09:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 59°F 60% 3 mph VR
10:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 61°F 60% 3 mph VR
11:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 61°F 60% 12 mph NW NW
12:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 63°F 60% 12 mph NW NW
13:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 63°F 60% 12 mph NW NW
14:00 Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms Chance of showers. Risk of thunderstorms 64°F 60% 12 mph N N
15:00 Cloudy Cloudy 64°F 20% 12 mph N N
16:00 Cloudy Cloudy 63°F 20% 12 mph N N
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