komoka village weather

 Latitude N 42° 57' 36"    Longitude W 81° 26' 18"    Elevation 817 ft

This page shows various weather system details.

Error Data
Station Data Feed:
Time last data was read from station 29/04/2024 8:39:57 PM
Latest Error: FTP Connect Error, Error code = 500
Error Time: 3:40 PM 29/04/2024
Cumulus Version (Build) v1.9.4 (10992)
Realtime Update Interval 8 seconds
Website Update Interval 5 minutes
Last Update Time 29/04/2024 8:40:03 PM
Log Rollover Time midnight
Davis Hardware
Total number of data packets received 23110
Number of missed data packets 64
Percentage of good packets received
Number of times the console resynchronised with the transmitter 0
Longest streak of consecutive packets received 1324
Number of packets received with CRC errors 19
The console firmware version 1.75
Console battery condition 4.54v
ISS battery condition ok
Station Info
Station Type Vantage Pro 2 Plus with 24-Hr FARS
Station Latitude N 42° 57' 36"
Station Longitude W 81° 26' 18"
Station Altitude 817 ft
System Info
OS Version Windows 8 x64 build 9200
CPU AMD A6-3620 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (4 cores)
Memory Status 2753/7642 MB (free/total)
Allocated Memory to Cumulus 105.01 MB
Disk Remaining 440.71 GB
Cumulus Uptime 5 days 11 hours
Server Uptime 61 days 7 hours
:now: :gauges: :gauges-ss: :today/yesterday: :month: :year: :records: :monthly: :trends: :observations: :vp2-console: :vue-console: :data-grabber: :console: :sys-status: :data-summary: :forum::webcam:

Page updated 29/04/2024 8:40:03 PM
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (10992)